Kerikeri RSA Support Services
The Kerikeri RSA’s Support service provides assistance to the ex-service community so they can continue to live in dignity.
Services include welfare and pension advice, friendship and support in times of need. Our services range from hospital visiting to the distribution of meals. The RSA’s support responsibilities cover a wide section of the community. We have a support van, available to get you to and back from a medical appointment locally, Kawakawa, Kaitaia or in Whangarei. We have a Support Adviser who assists and advises on the many services available in the community for all ex-service personnel and their families etc. We currently have a limited number of Mobility scooters available. If you would like use of one of these scooters please contact our Support Advisor.

Disability Pension
Any disability or illness that could be related to service may get you a Disability Pension. If you have a Disability Pension already then you should have it reviewed regularly. A 70% Disability Pension also entitles a surviving spouse to a pension. Smoking related problems and cataracts are common disabilities and we may be able to help you with these.
If you need to contact our Support Advisor, Monique, please phone her on 027-234-9688 or email, or you can ring Veteran Affairs direct on 0800 555 3003.